Tag Archives: amazon pet gift guide

Wish List

Yesterday was Cyber Monday, and there were some fantastic deals to be had.  We did partake in the super-sales, Jeff bought a yard trimmer (ours broke down a few months ago) and we bought a laptop for me! (Yeah, now I can blog at Starbucks!)

Now, thanks to Amazon, the animals in our lives can also get some fabulous gifts at great prices. Today is Pet’s Tuesday on the popular website.  Amazon has also released their Pets Holiday Gift Guide!



Amazon Holiday Pet Guide


With the pups by my side, we did some searching for great doggie gifts. Here is what our pups are hoping for this year . . .

Penny’s Wish List

chuckit!BallLauncher  PetQwerksTalkingBallToy LoofaPlushDogToy

Toni’s Wish List

Nylabone AutomaticPerFeeder PetegoWalkyBicycleLeash

Otis’ Wish List

ZaniesPlushDogPillow SergeantsRopeChew PetmateDogHouse

They sure have been good this year, so maybe one or two of these may end up in their stocking. (yes, our pups have their own stockings!)

What’s on your wish list?